Is premarital sex wrong?

Valentine is just around the corner, couples are being nicer to each other, the red and white outfits are being ordered, the flower shops are restocking, jewellery shops will have increased sales, and just about everyone will be happy because it is the month of Love.

There is a crude generalization that children born in November are usually products of Valentine's night. This is as funny as it is witless!

During a discussion of the silly statement above, I was asked, "is premarital sex okay"? While I lolled in a chair, I almost choked on my coffee. I wasn't prepared for such a question at seven a.m.

Here you go.

When I think about sex, morality, religion, and medicine are the parameters that come to mind. Sex is between two people, a man and a woman, or otherwise. But in the traditional society we live in where heterosexual relationships are given priority, the consequence(s) of sex (in this case premarital) is mostly borne by the woman partner.

Now let's begin with the moral compass. I recently read in a blog, about a young girl of 15 who at that time had had a child. As a result, her family would then marry her off to the next available man, even if it means he is mentally unstable. This is our society- regardless of this act being committed by two perpetrators, the limelight of shame, disregard, disappointment is shone on the woman.
"Why"? I asked.
"Because she has lost her dignity" replied the flag bearer of morality.
"And the man? His dignity"? I further queried.
Flag bearer:.....

While we were growing up, our mothers used to tell us this "keep yourself till the night of your wedding because it is a woman's pride". So premarital sex is morally wrong, right?

And when we became adolescents and started following intelligent men and women of the society, we were told "if a woman should keep herself till marriage, then teach your boys to also keep themselves till marriage", and also "your body is yours, nobody has the right to tell you what to do with it. Don't be in captivity of archaic moral consciences of people".

So can morality be a yardstick for adjudging premarital sex? I'm conflicted. But there is one thing, morality is not relative. If your arguments will be premised on morals, it has to be either black or white. The argument that "don't criticise a person because they do not conform to your ethical definitions of premarital sex" does not hold water. We all know what morality is, it is either good or bad, there's no way around it. Saying that an individual can personally morally justify their actions will only bring chaos to the land...nobody will be in the wrong.

As long as religion is concerned, I want to believe that every sacred practice preaches alike...premarital sex is tantamount to punishments from The Almighty. We've been told this in our formative years, and we are still being told that "your body is the temple of The Almighty".
I would say religion and morals go hand in hand. Whatever has been pronounced wrong by religious followers is almost always similar to the judgments of moral upholders.

Medicine has no moral or religious grounds to justify its claim. There is freedom with this parameter. All you have to know is to avoid contracting sexually transmitted infections from your partner(s), understand the concept of contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and to regularly confirm your STIs status.

Conclusively, nobody is a saint. We fault differently. Don't impose your moral beliefs on others, we all possess two things, personal struggles and conscience.

The topic of sex is wide and varied, and the above are the opinions from my own point of view. It does not imply that you agree or not with me. You are free to criticise constructively, or to add to what I've said, and you may do that by entering your rebuttal in the comment box. 

Give all the love you can in this month of Love. Make someone smile, and don't forget to also make yourself smileπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Till the next safe!πŸ€—Lots of Love and Light from The Shy Medic❤🌟


Unknown said…
Spot on.... More wisdom and knowledge by the grace of God almighty....
Kemi Kareemat said…
The Shy Medic said…
Amen..Thank you❤

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