It's been what, two or three months since my last upload, and goodness!!, I thought I'd explode from being saturated with so many thoughts. But I found a therapy in reading tweets. (You can find me on Twitter at the address written at the end of this post).

These past months have been EVERYTHING and more! From uni stress to personal issues, to going back to heaven and resurrecting lol...ugh, it was IT. But I'm thankful to be here and strong and loving every bit of you that have not forgotten TheShyMedic.

By the way, your girl is now a 4th-year medical student!!! I know it's not something to be too excited about because honestly, the reality gets closer to you as you advance in Med school. The reality that a human will be lying in front of you, and whose life lies in the decision you make. It's scary to think about, yet I want to indulge myself with the thoughts many times over. I'm just excited because it was a smooth sail into my fourth year despite the encounters.

In between, I feel like it's been ten weeks into January. January literally came to stay!!

And yes, Happy 2019, lovelies๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰

I get asked by no less than seven people what my new year's resolution is. And being the consistent brat that I am, I've never had a different reply. "I don't have one. I just go with the flow". Well, it's not false, I never make a new year resolution. In fact, the last time I did was in 2014, which, believe me, I was compelled to.

It hurts me real bad when I make plans and it doesn't work out. This has scared me off from making resolutions. Of course, I'd like to improve in the new year, but I let destiny take it own course, albeit I work hard at making it favour me.

And not to think about my exams ringing in with the new year bells...๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”. I literally just send a mass new year message to my contacts and channel the rest of the energy into my books. I don't even go to the city centre for the fireworks๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ. I love fireworks๐Ÿ˜ข

Taking a massive 360° because this is not the post to pay tribute to my dead social life, how much change has 2019 brought to you?

With me, I've not had a major change, I'm still short and still love to eat junk foods (but I've been trying at eating healthy lately. It is difficult!), but the year started on a really high note. I've had a really good start and hopefully, it ends similarly. I hope the rest of your 2019 is equally as great!

Don't be dismayed even if you've not had an impressive beginning, there are three hundred and thirty-seven (337) days for a change to happen.
There are still eight thousand and eighty-eighty hours (8088) hours left, you will get a reply to that email you sent.
There are still four hundred and eighty-five thousand, two hundred and eighty (485280) minutes, you can get that shape you desire.
Even with the twenty-nine million, one hundred and sixteen thousand, eight hundred (29116800) seconds left to the end of this year, you can get that thing working!
But one thing, you have to START.

I don't want to get all motivational with this post lol, but I only hope that I'm able to give someone strength by reading this. Like I sub-tweeted some weeks ago, "there is always light at the end of the tunnel as long as a tunnel exists". Nothing of this universe is permanent.

To you, my dear reader, I hope you're doing well? Make sure to laugh a lot, eat healthily, drink lots of water, and make someone happy today.

Till the next update, ๐Ÿ˜


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