How can you have internet in Nigeria???

Being out of Nigeria, you get lots of reality checks, especially being a first time traveller, WiFi being one of the tops.
It's no news that WiFi owners in our dear country secure their connection under heavy guidance of unfathomable passwords, leaving poor internet users like me who wish to watch YouTube videos at the cruel hands of our 10-megabyte data.
So going to Europe as an international student, you spend the first few months watching videos like no tomorrow, you play video games with no mercy, install and uninstall apps at will, stream unnecessary live videos, basically torturing the internet that tortured you back home. All these will soon stop when school starts and you have to 'not carry last' as a Naija person.
Having 'white' friends is the dream of 80% of Nigerian students who travel abroad, if not how else do friends and family know that you're 'in the abroad'? Everyone is white as long as they don't have melanin donning their skin, regardless of them being brown, red or even that white! If you're lucky to have a Middle-Eastern friend, those they refer as being from "Eurasia", then you get a double dose. But you'll be quite unlucky if your Eurasian friend doesn't know a thing about Africa except seeing one or two black persons on his street- you sure do have a lot to explain.
After a year or two, you decide to go home for the summer holiday. You would be in a random conversation with your friend about how you can't wait to go home, how you've missed your family and how you'll keep in touch with your friend till the break is over and you're back to reality. Everything sinks into your friend but one thing- HOW will he be able to keep in touch?
We've all been in that situation where we really want to slap sense into someone for uttering a preposterous statement, but hold back because you don't want to exacerbate an already obnoxious assumption that black people are violent. Yes, that was the situation when my narrator got back after the summer holiday.
All through his stay in Nigeria, he'd exchanged messages and calls with his 'white' friend who never let his confusion be obvious over the phone. There can be something more heart breaking than a break-up. That is being asked by your non African friend how you have internet in Nigeria since there is no WiFi.

One...There is WiFi in Nigeria, although limited and may cost quite a sum.
Two...There are network providers in Nigeria who provide us with mobile data, and can be affordable.
Three...Nigeria is as modernized as Europe.

Disclaimer: This article is not in any way intended to be racist!!! It is simply a recount of experiences of being a black immigrant.
The different types of humans are the good and the bad...colour is just a word to create divide!


Unknown said…
Nice one darling
Oluwamayowa said…
I can't relate via my personal experiences! But I could feel the depth from the write up.
Our backwardness in Nigeria is visibly loud.
Nice write up!
The Shy Medic said…
We have a long way to go, but we'll get there eventually. Thanks for reading!

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