
Showing posts from January, 2019


It's been what, two or three months since my last upload, and goodness!!, I thought I'd explode from being saturated with so many thoughts. But I found a therapy in reading tweets. (You can find me on Twitter at the address written at the end of this post). These past months have been EVERYTHING and more! From uni stress to personal issues, to going back to heaven and resurrecting lol...ugh, it was IT. But I'm thankful to be here and strong and loving every bit of you that have not forgotten TheShyMedic. By the way, your girl is now a 4th-year medical student!!! I know it's not something to be too excited about because honestly, the reality gets closer to you as you advance in Med school. The reality that a human will be lying in front of you, and whose life lies in the decision you make. It's scary to think about, yet I want to indulge myself with the thoughts many times over. I'm just excited because it was a smooth sail into my fourth year despite the