
Showing posts from June, 2022

6 Years Later: Dissecting The Myths

The tweet read: “don’t let anyone motivate you otherwise. Medical school is hard”! I couldn’t agree more. Except that I wished I had seen the tweet 6 years ago, maybe I would already be working as a journalist or lawyer or any of the three things I wanted to become when I was 14.   Unlike the familiar stories you’ll hear in medical school, medicine wasn’t a childhood dream for me. It was not even a choice until the last minute. Heads up: This is a four-page MS Word document. It's a mid attempt to condense my six-year medical school experience into understandable words. So grab a seat and some food, and let's get this party started! Myth #1: You have to love Science to be a doctor   I can confidently tell you that my best subject all through my six years as a high schooler was the English language. I still believe it is. I like Literature as well. I love words and how writers weave them, and I found these miles more interesting than Punnett's square in my Biology textbook. W