
Showing posts from November, 2019

My K-drama Recommendations for the Holiday Season

You're probably thinking of K-pop now. Am I right? I get this three out of four times whenever I tell someone I watch Korean dramas (K-dramas for short). The remaining one time is getting slammed for watching because of the "fine" boys. No, K-dramas is not all about flower boys in tight-fitting, well-tailored suit pants and donning a properly gelled hair. Anyways,... This list is by far inexhaustible, and I'm 100% sure that I'll be omitting a gazillion of shows that should have made the list. Either ways, pardon my memory and make do with these few ones that come to mind at the time of writing. Ladies and Gents, shall we? Let me begin with the light-hearted RomComs : 1. Strong Woman Bong Soon : This is not your average popcorn drama. You shall be overdosed on cuteness and might need to be admitted into the "aegyo" (Korean slang for cuteness) ward. Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Shik make for an absolute perfect match in this cuteness-overload