
Showing posts from September, 2018

First 24 hours as a Berliner

The Bradenburger Tor (Gate) Vacations are necessities, not luxury. My first contact with the outside world as a resident Nigerian was in 2015, when I landed in Sofia. I'd described the air as smelling of grass and water. It still smells like that (whenever I return from a trip). Whatever makes the atmosphere in "the abroad" smell differently is honestly the reason why we all want to exit our country at all costs. Technology is amazing! After living in Eastern Europe for few years, I eventually got the opportunity to see beyond the Europe that once wowed me. I'm on a vacation to Germany- the heart of technology, football, and beer! My insides when I got the visa😛 Someone told me to visit Japan before I'm entirely floored by technology. I told them that nothing beats what you've seen/feel yourself. So until I'm in Tokyo, Berlin has the best I've seen. As the plane was on its landing course at Frank Josef airport in Munich, my heart h